About Us

Due to the change in the economics of our nation, we are discovering that there's a very large pool of highly motivated and talented individuals that are not aware of the opportunities to earn the 6 and 7 figure incomes that they could earn if the opportunity presented itself.

The ability to match talent with the right company is in short supply.

We believe that mixing people with the right talents, a company with a great reputation, and an honest and reliable business model is the recipe for success.

While others seek to profit by cutting corners or reducing peoples income, we have believe just the opposite…pay your producers well above the norm.

Skill, effort, and results give our recruits the highest possibility of earning what they are worth in the marketplace.

Giving the best services to customers, we believe that a good reputation and consistent service will reap bigger profits in the long run.

We believe, being trust worthy, will aid us in enjoying a long-term profitable business that serves the community.

Vincent Guglielmo grew up in New York City, lived in San Francisco and now resides in Oklahoma.

Vincent has had a long history of spotting answers for the current problems facing all of us.

"If one has the ability to step outside the box, he/she can be in control of the situation instead of the situation controlling them!"
-V Guglielmo

Thinking outside the box can create a fortune, while those that follow the pack are running for cover.

We love working with people who can face a challenge with an open mind, and who thrive in an atmosphere of change and creativity.

For more information, send us a request on our Contact page, or call:

1 (800) 256 - 5527

Call for a recorded overview.

The company we are recruiting for creates a new $100,000.00/yr earner every 7 days.

This company has created over 120 millionairs. A new million dollar earner is made every 28 days.

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